#37: Pay attention. Be present. Allow transformation.


reminders posted on my studio wall

The opening reception for “Allowing Transformation” is Saturday, Sept. 12… 5-7pm, at AS220’s Project Space, 93 Mathewson St. Providence RI. Check out my last post for more info and if you happen to be in town, stop by.

The show was installed on Sept. 1st– I was humbled and impressed by the precise, professional and perfect installation of my work by AS220 gallery director Neal T. Walsh and gallery assistant.

They spent over three hours hanging the show, measuring (to the 1/8 of an inch) so that the large four-panel paintings, as well as the works on paper, all 30×22 and suspended by rare earth Neodymium magnets, were hung right. 

In fact, there are three AS220 galleries, showing 5 different artists, and Sept. 12 will be a busy AS220 evening. Don’t miss it…


September artists @ AS220 galleries: L to R: Karen Rand Anderson, Dan Crenca, Ryan Dean, John Housley, Tim Heibert

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