#27. How To Be an Inspiration Machine

INSPIRATION… Some mighty useful and charged-up thoughts from Leigh Medeiros at All CreativeLike. Here’s one that sparked me: “Pay attention to your thoughts, then choose to speak and share only the ones that are purposeful and considered. The power of words cannot be underestimated when it comes to inspiration. Being a conscious editor – of our written and spoken words – is key.” A really great post which I wanted to pass along to you!!! (Thanks for your wisdom and continuing inspiration, Leigh!) To see more about Leigh and her amazingness, check out my blog post about her: #5. Getting All CreativeLike

#5. Getting all creativelike

I am extraordinarily grateful (dare I say indebted? ) to the amazing Leigh Medeiros. As a truly gifted artist, writer, blogger and more, this woman somehow manages to do all of the above while also inspiring and empowering other artists with boatloads of brilliant advice, ideas and support. For instance, if you have any issues with time management (duh) you may want to read this blogpost. (I printed it out and put it on my fridge. And in my studio.) She conducts inspiring interviews with remarkable artists  and writers. She offers online and on location classes  and also fabulous free information.

If you are an artist seeking a little support and connection, some great advice and inspirational tips, I highly recommend that you sign up for Leigh’s All Creativelike Newsletter and you’ll begin to see what I mean. Her energy and ideas are contagious.

Image“The creative life can be a challenging one to walk with its lack of road map, constant detours, speed bumps and potholes, but along with those tough moments come the most inspiring, energizing, life-changing experiences a person could ever dream of. That’s why the creative life is the only kind I want to live. And I want to help you learn to live yours to the fullest too.” Leigh Medeiros

Honestly, I can’t figure out when, or if, Ms. Medeiros sleeps. But her advice, not to mention her unflagging support of the people with whom she connects and cares about, is priceless. I’m just giving credit where credit is due. Thanks, Leigh, for the terrific and inspiring possibilities you bring to light for the rest of us, and for providing some sort of artist road map. (How DOES she do it??)


image/manifesto ©2013  Leigh Medeiros