#28. Post-show challenges (or, getting back in the saddle)


“New Territory” 53×65″. mixed media on Fabriano paper. ©2014 Karen Rand Anderson

There’s a huge sense of relief after delivering a body of work to a gallery, and leaving it there with the gallery director… the next time you see the work, those paintings (or whatever it is) that you’ve pretty much lived with every day for months— are all installed in a stunning space, beautifully lit, waiting to be seen and experienced by others. [I’m truly fortunate to have my work currently showing at The Alexey von Schlippe Gallery of Art, at the University of Connecticut. The Gallery is dedicated to the memory of the late Alexey von Schlippe (1915-1988), an innovative and accomplished painter, born in Russia, and former Professor of Art at the University of Connecticut at Avery Point.] 

When people begin showing up for the opening, with wine in hand, saying complimentary things, congratulating you, it’s a grand feeling, for a couple of hours.

It is wonderful, if stressful, to spend months getting ready for a show, have it be installed, and then have a big opening. You see old friends, talk about your work, get congratulated. And then…. it’s over.

There is a post-opening grayness that settles in a day or two later. Getting back into the studio and trying to pick up where you left off just doesn’t happen, at least for me. That said—I’m immensely grateful and happy to have my recent work hanging in a beautiful gallery for six weeks, and it is a great feeling. (Of course, it would be icing on the cake to have the work sell.) But—getting back into the saddle is a challenge. Time to make new art. In order to make it happen….(it’s inevitable….) it’s the perfect time to… clean up the studio. ’Nuff said.


#7. Launching on the new moon


“Bald Porcupine at Dusk”  12×12, mixed media on board. © 2103 Karen Rand Anderson

As the old phrase goes…  “Let ‘er rip” . So, it’s January 1st, 2014, which happens to coincide with the Capricorn new moon, an excellent time for beginning something that is crafted from an internal, thoughtful place. You know that feeling of starting a new painting/project/piece–  making the commitment to do, begin, create with passion; having the gumption (love that word) to go for it..? I’ve made a 2014 commitment to myself to confront my fears, my past, and my future; hence, the launch of this blog, “Cleaning Up the Studio“. Welcome… I’m glad you’re here. (I’m glad I’m here!) I hope you’ll scroll down and see my previous posts… this blog has been private until today, coinciding with the new moon which, I’ve just discovered, is considered a “supermoon”. Quite cool actually.

Now that the solstice has passed, winter’s darkness is beginning to lessen, day by day. (Thank God.) I’ll be wrapping myself up in studio work, getting ready for my upcoming show at Alexey von Schlippe Gallery in April. I’ll also be thinking about and planning what to focus on here— writing, wondering, questioning, and marveling, while continuing to be inspired by the words and insights of so many others [see sidebar]. Art, writing, and messes will get made, that is, until that tipping point is reached, when I can’t get anything done in the midst of the chaos, and it’ll be time to clean up the studio again, start afresh, and get new stuff going. I do love cycles.

In the meantime, I’m stumbling around as a complete newbie in the art blogosphere. So please forgive the bumbles and faux-pas as I get going with content, comments, and concepts. By putting myself out “here”, I plan to share my art and studio thoughts, make connections, get exposure, interact with other artists and bloggers, shed light on things, sprinkle inspiration, and pose questions. I’ll be posting images of my work, which is available for purchase… Let me know if you’re interested.

And by all means, please let me know what you think — I’m looking for my tribe. Join me?
